75 : 日出づる処の名無し : 2007/11/12(月) 23:42:13 ID:94e/mzO1
Nov 6, 2007 India bends over for Myanmar's generals By Sudha Ramachandran

The Sino-Indian contest for access to Myanmar's gas reserves has gone in favor of
China. A couple of months ago, Myanmar announced that it was withdrawing India's
status of "preferential buyer" on the A1 and A3 blocks of its Shwe gas fields off
its Arakan coast and said it intended selling gas to China.

"India is unable to match what China is willing to offer the generals - supply of
whatever military equipment they demand and use of the veto in their defense in
the Security Council. Over a decade after it began engaging the junta, India is
still not as comfortable with the generals as China is," the official pointed out.

【政治経済】平成床屋談義 町の噂その39 * c

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