689 : 名無しさん@八周年 : 2007/10/10(水) 12:31:51 ID:e8dtgSQx0
15. Urges all countries in the Far East to seek bilateral agreements to resolve the outstanding territorial disputes in the region, in particular:
a)the return to Japan of the 'Northern territories' that were occupied by the then Soviet Union at the end of World War II and are currently occupied by Russia,
b)the dispute over the ownership of the Dokdo/Takeshima Islands between South Korea and Japan,
c)the dispute over the ownership of Senkaku-Daioyutai between Japan and Taiwan;

【憲法】「九条が変えられたら戦地に送られるのは高校生かもしれないよ」「それって、チョーヤバクない」旭川で広がる女性の護憲運動 * c

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