1 : 早よ説教部屋に来栖川芹香 m9( ゚д゚) → ネットナンパ師φ ★ : 2008/04/07(月) 20:16:38 ID:???0


<Japan's 'geisha guys' the latest accessory>
画像 http://i.l.cnn.net/cnn...uy.cnn.jpg
At first glance, the man and woman at the nightclub look like any other couple on a date.
He flirts and pours champagne. She looks at him and laughs.
This isn't a date, though. It's business.
The woman, a successful executive, has joined a growing number of professional women in Japan
in forking out from $1,000 to $50,000 a night for male companionship.
They meet their "hosts" in hundreds of clubs that have sprung up around Tokyo - the industry
says only compliments are exchanged. The women pay for a man to lavish them with undivided attention.


【ホスト】「ゲイシャ・ガイ」(=ホスト)に一晩で10万〜500万もつぎ込む女…CNNが英文記事で報道。ニュース記事ランクでTOPに * c

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