356 : 名無しさん@八周年 : 2008/01/18(金) 07:52:54 ID:Z3YAu3b40
これがロンドン中の人が読む地下鉄フリー新聞の「London Lite」の昨日の記事。

「Japan whalers to free Brit protesters

Japanese whalers said today they would release two protesters
being held on their vessel on condition the activists' ship,
the MV Steve Irwin, stopped harrassing them. Briton Giles Lane and Australian
Benjamin Potts boarded the Yushin Maru yesterday.
They said they were delivering a letter advising the crew they were
"illegally killing whales" off Antarctica. There were reports the men
had been tied to a mast and dunked in icy water」

翻訳:日本の捕鯨者達が、活動家、Steve Irwinが捕鯨中止の活動をやめることを条件に
2人の活動家を釈放すると言った。イギリス人のGiles Laneとオーストラリア人のBenjamin Pottsは

London Lite:http://www.thelondonlite.co.uk/

【捕鯨問題】 シー・シェパードの活動家(テロリスト)に「天ぷら」もてなし。個室も用意し、毎日「3時のおやつ」も★2 * c

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